Add Unique Touches to a Funeral
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Add Unique Touches to a Funeral

My name is Evan, and I am a funeral director at a busy funeral home in the Midwestern United States. I have found that many loved ones want to personalize the funeral experience, but they simply don't know how. I am going to outline some ways that you can make a funeral unique to the person you are celebrating. From dramatic readings to favorite music to decorated caskets, the only limit is your imagination when it comes to planning the perfect funeral. I hope your mind will be open to the possibilities the next time you are in the unfortunate situation of having to plan a funeral.

Add Unique Touches to a Funeral

How To Make Cremation Easier For Your Family To Understand

Christina Clarke

You've chosen to be cremated, but you have loved ones who wish you to have a traditional burial instead. Even though there are many benefits to cremation, including cheaper costs, less plot space interference, and more creative burial or memorial options with ashes, your family members may be resistant to the less traditional approach to your end of life wishes.

However, your funeral home director and you can come up with a great funeral services agenda to help make the acceptance of your cremation services wishes easier for everyone involved. Here are ways you can make your cremation wishes easier for your family to understand. 

You can still have a funeral

Just because you choose to have a cremation done when you pass away doesn't mean you cannot also do a traditional funeral. Let your family know they can still honor you — right up to visiting your gravesite with a headstone, should you wish — if you are cremated. Many people choose to be cremated and have their remains buried in a classic urn, which is still cheaper than a casket, and have a headstone placed at the gravesite as a remembrance for family members remaining.

You can have them be involved

Perhaps the best way to make your cremation services wishes most honored with dubious loved ones is to have them be involved in the process. When your loved ones feel more in control or involved by helping you pick out an urn, design your future headstone, and create the memorial pamphlet or photographs, they can realize quickly that just because you choose to be cremated doesn't mean that much else changes.

Remember: cremation services are more in-depth than a direct cremation, which your loved ones may not realize. Show them that there will still be some traditional aspects of your funeral even though you will not be traditionally buried.

You can share your ashes ideas

Do you want to have your ashes turned into jewelry for your loved ones to wear? Do you want to turn your ashes into a timepiece, such as an hourglass? If you have creative ideas for the ashes you leave behind, let your family members know. They may be more at peace with you having cremation services done when they realize you have put a lot of thought into the creative and unique ways they can remember you by in the future. Cremation services can be customized in many ways; speak to your funeral director to learn more.
